飞檐走壁少女虾: need a full-circle ride to commit themselves to the most direct and desirable ends. Most of these circles are not finished, which is why most of those people hold a dream. But we need it anyway, since we either don't believe or can't conquer.
安心哒哒哒: was a milliontiny little things.When you added them all up it just meant that we were supposed to be together.and I knew it.I knew it the very first time I touched her.It's like coming home.Only to no home I'd ever known.I was just teking her hand and help her out of the car.
levin蟀蟀: is the tribute vice pays for virtue. 两个女主各有各的可怜和坚强都在内心羡慕甚至渴望着对方所拥有的特质也恰因为如此她们才不遗余力地蔑视和嘲讽对方B显然更现代女性苏珊举手投足顾盼之间都和bette的气质神态如出一辙